Reprint from Flower Mound Citizens Against Drilling Blog
Here is information from the recent air quality test in Flower Mound done by Kleinfelder, an independent testing lab hired by the town. The air quality tests show levels of Carbon Disulfide exceeded the TCEQ short-term effects screening level of 10 parts per billion. We understand that these are preliminary tests and the Town is conducting further testing to determine the source. Town officials will be presenting the Town Council and the public with a full report at the March 25th meeting.
This air quality test is to be a "baseline" for the Town of Flower Mound. Kleinfelder tested 8 sites.
Here are the 3 locations and screening results that exceed the TCEQ short term effects screening level for Carbon Disulfide.
- 18.5 Furst Ranch
- 69.0 Fire Station #2 Shiloh Rd.
- 11.2 Morriss Rd Park
Headache, dizziness, fatigue, excitement or depression. High concentrations can cause serious psychological disturbances and in some cases death. Psychiatric disturbances (including excitability, confusion, extreme irritability, uncontrolled anger, emotional instability, nightmares, depression) have been observed following episodes of exposure to high concentrations of carbon disulfide.
Council Member's Filidoro and Hayden share our concerns and are continuously trying to persuade the majority of council to reconsider the moratorium. They were the only members of council to support putting the Flower Mound Cares Petition on the ballot in May. If these air quality test results and the methane mapping is not enough proof to re-visit the moratorium, what is.
Click Here to Learn More About Carbon Disulfide